Support, Respect & Assistance

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the highest quality occupational health evaluations to our veterans so they get the assistance and care they need, when they need it. However, we can’t do it alone. We need health care professionals who share our dedication.

female veteran smiling with young daughter
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What Our Mission Means to Veterans

Undergoing separation assessments, evaluations, and occupational health exams offers a multitude of benefits to veterans. This ensures they receive the comprehensive support they deserve. Occupational health exams offer an in-depth view of a veteran’s current health and medical history. Ultimately, this helps lay a foundation for any necessary future medical interventions. Crucially, they enable early detection of potential illnesses or diseases attributable to specific military occupational exposures. By identifying potential VA presumptive conditions, veterans are better positioned to receive the care and attention they need. Our role is in examinations only, which help inform a care plan for other health care providers within the VA.

Additionally, most exams now streamline data and share it between government organizations. This unified approach ensures that veterans undergo fewer redundant examinations, enhances the accuracy of occupational health assessments, and encourages veterans to avail themselves of other crucial transition services. In essence, these assessments and examinations act as a bridge, ensuring veterans smoothly transition into civilian life with the health support they need.

A Dignified Post-Service Life

Veterans who have already transitioned into civilian life must sometimes seek a diagnosis for a service-connected disability. This validation is critical, ensuring the sacrifices and challenges faced during service receive formal recognition. Additionally, it enables veterans to get compensation that is commensurate with their needs. Our providers equip veterans with the knowledge and resources they need for a dignified post-service life. To learn more about us or inquire about positions we’re hiring for, please reach out to us.